A Blend of Improvisation Approach to Program Design


A Bucket-full of Exercises


Two Day Workshop



"Sue Walden's signature post-it system for mapping out and designing workshops is the perfect fit for the creative facilitator whose learning model includes using playful activities to enhance the learning of the group they're leading.  Sue's workshop is hands on – I created my program design right there and left with a workshop that's ready to go." 
Lisa Morningstar, Founder at Business Playshops


An Improvisation Approach to Program Design


Do you have an up-coming talk, presentation, or workshop?  Would you like to experience how to quickly and effectively design it? This hands-on workshop will provide a simple and fun 7-step process to create a design for YOUR interactive event:  Bring your idea for a one-hour to one-day program, and explore:

  • A pre-program questionnaire to gain clarity.
  • When and how to pre-assess a group.
  • Importance of a Learning Model, and some examples. 
  • Many ways to organize and present
  • Levels of risk and their impact on
  • Different styles of learning and
  • Sample of energizers and focusing exercises.
  • Planning templates for future programs.
You will leave with a completed design in hand as well as a helpful workbook/guide to design your future events.

A Bucket-Full of Exercises

This highly energetic workshop will provide you with a variety of interactive experiential and improvisational exercises for your toolkit.  Activities will range from simple to challenging. You will practice and experience the various activities and exercises with the group in order to understand their meaning and impact. There will be suggestions of variations as well as adapting to large or small groups. 
  • Openers & “Getting Acquainted” activities
  • Focusing games and Energizers
  • Tools for quick decision making or prioritizing a list of options.
  • Activities that build Communication, Collaboration and Creativity skills
  • Activities for gathering program feedback
  • Closing activities
After this workshop you will: 
  • have increased your facilitation options, and can make your programs more “brain friendly” 
  • see more ways to create adaptations and applications
  • select the appropriate activity for groups of variable sizes and (cultural) backgrounds, creating programs that meet the client’s needs


Next Course


What: A Blend of Improvisation Approach to Program Design and Bucket-Full 

When: 10 – 11th June 2015

Where: Youth Hostel Mannheim Rheinpromenade 21, 68163 Mannheim, Germany

Cost: €360

Details: Refreshments of coffee, lunch and drinks included plus free attendance to the "ChangeImprovement" conference day. 

Contact: Isolde Fischer at [email protected] for more details and registration.